FLP Receives Grant

Perry's Foundational Learning Program Receives Grant from Oklahoma Geological Foundation
Earlier this year, Ms. Shelynn Kelly, Foundational Learning Program (FLP) teacher, applied for a grant from the Oklahoma Geological Foundation's rock, mineral, and fossil collections. The program’s grant request was successful and they were notified that Perry was a recipient. 
On February 8, the FLP class had the pleasure of welcoming Kevin Werth from the Geological Foundation to introduce the rock collection to our students and teachers. It was a captivating presentation that sparked curiosity and excitement among our learners.
Moving forward, the FLP class is working diligently to set up a system that will allow teachers throughout the district to check out the collection and explore the fascinating specimens of rocks, minerals, and fossils. This initiative will bring hands-on, engaging earth science education to all students across our school district.
Since 1993, the Oklahoma Geological Foundation has been a steadfast supporter of teachers, students, and educational organizations in advancing earth science education in Oklahoma. Their rock, mineral and fossil collections are a powerful tool that brings science to life for students of all ages. 
These collections, donated to schools across the state, provide teachers with museum-quality rocks, minerals, and fossils that can be incorporated into their science lessons. This partnership empowers educators to enhance the learning experience and make science more tangible for their students. It is important to note that the cost of one collection ranges between $750 and $1,000. 
Ms. Kelly and the students would like to extend their gratitude to the dedicated volunteers from the foundation who purchase supplies and create these collections at industry shows twice a year. Their generosity and passion for earth science education are truly commendable.  
rock collection foundation
Perry Geological Foundation rock collection student intro