Lucinda Leach » Mrs. Leach

Mrs. Leach


Lucinda Leach joined the Maroon family in 2002. She is from Perry and graduated from Perry High School in 1998, then graduated from Oklahoma State University in 2002 with a Bachelor’s in Elementary Education and Early Childhood Certification. Her family includes her husband, Gabe and children; Kimber & Lydia. An interesting fact about Mrs. Leach is that she has won over 30 belt buckles in her lifetime, and she still likes to ride and compete in barrel racing and pole bending. In her free time she enjoys to riding horses, gardening, watching her children's activities, being active in her church, traveling to different states and trying new adventures.


Birthday: February 4

Food: Anything I don't have to cook. 

Drink: Half and half tea, Pepsi, Red Line Nutrition drinks

Dessert: Chocolate Chip cookies, brownies

Candy: PEANUT M&M's (Is there any other kind of candy?) 

Fast Food: Chick-Fil-A, Braum's 

Office/Classroom Item: Ink pens, colored dry erase markers, colored permanent markers

Favorite Books/Magazines: Horses, Gardening, Cooking

Movies: I don't watch movies....hardly ever!

Sports Team: Oklahoma State

Flower: Lily

Color: Country red & turquoise

Season: SUMMER!!!! I hate being cold. 

Store: I can find something anywhere!

Scents: Clean, cotton, nature smells