Kelly Frazier » Meet Mrs. Frazier

Meet Mrs. Frazier

   I should probably give you a little bit of background on me.  My name is Kelly Frazier and I have not taught in a classroom nearly as long as I have been certified to teach.  I earned my Bachelor in Music Education degree from Southwestern Oklahoma State University in Weatherford, Oklahoma.  I grew up in the little town of Hinton about 30 miles east of there so it only made sense to stay close to home for a home cooked meal and free laundry facilities. 
   I ended up in Kansas for my first teaching job then came back to Oklahoma to marry my college sweetheart. He had decided teaching was not for him so he joined the navy and my adventure moving around the United States began.  I substituted for every class imaginable in several states and taught in a couple more, in fact by the time I was done moving, I'd been certified in 5 different states. That's a lot of tests and applications to convince people that I could teach my subject. 
   Sometimes things don't work out and I ended up back in Oklahoma ready to start over.
I do have two beautiful children from my former nomadic life.  My son is going to Oklahoma State University to become a Computer Engineer and my daughter is still trying to find herself but she has a wonderful eye for art and may end up doing something in that realm. 
   I was lucky enough to meet a wonderful guy who convinced me to marry him and to move to Perry. I gained another son and a grandson. What a package deal! Luckily the music position came open and  I cannot tell you how blessed I feel to have been able to become your music teacher.  I hope we can continue to have a wonderful year even if it has been a little bit weirder than usual. :)